
- 24/10/2009

7 pm

Attila Nemes
Kitchen Budapest


Attila Csörgő
Gyula Július
Szabolcs KissPál
Rudolf Pacsika
Melinda Sipos / Péter Németh
János Sugár

arrowAn artistic practice where technology is used as the primary means of expression, media art is inclined to try to always use the most spectacular cutting edge technology.

In this exhibition, we will swim against the current, presenting works that use the simplest (digital or analogue) technology in reduced forms, different from their everyday function. The works exhibited present a great variety of genres and themes. What is common in them is the craftsmanship used in their making, a kind of playfulness and irony, and in some of them, an intentional roughness. In its most extreme form, media art can be created using no more than a light bulb or an old alarm clock.

The Exhibition

Attila Csörgő: Clockwork / object, 1993/2009

(Alarm clocks, wood panel)
Two alarm clocks reduced to their second hands, mounted on wood panel, moved by the same clockwork.

Gyula Július: Oscillation / installation, 2009

(box, engines, plastic string, monitor, UV-light)
Realtime image of a mechanically created wave, very similar to a sequence of signs recorded digitally.

Szabolcs KissPál: Circular wave / installation, 2003

(speaker, water, 2 focusable lamps, lense)
A circular wave made by a sound is transformed into an image.

Rudolf Pacsika: Conspiration Theory Generator / installation, 2004

(computer, wood, plastic, print)
A pc terminal, a large part of whose monitor is replaced by a print, and is operated with a wooden button: the conspiracy theories generated randomly by computer may inspire the viewer to think up complex mental constructions.

Melinda Sipos / Péter Németh: Arbour light 0.2 / installation, 2008

(paper, LCDs, computer - a Kitchen Budapest project) The artist made a 7x9-pixel matrix from large leds. It displays images from a video in a reduced form: having lost its sharpness, the image of a natural scene (sunset, glimmering water) is transformed into a mood.

János Sugár: Omega pont (demo) / object, 2000

(bulb, switch, paint)
ROSSZ (evil) is written on a light bulb, which can be switched on using the switch with JÓ (good) written on it. This may lead the spectator to think of the dichotomy of Good and Evil.

János Sugár: The Immortal Culprits
(An Opera on Video Technology), 1988

Written and directed by János Sugár
Music: Gábor Litván
Video documentation: U-matic, 30 minutes, BBS, 1988
How a video works is explained in an opera, presented as a paraphrase of the tale of Hansel and Gretel.

Curators of Low-Tech:
Eike, Zsolt Kozma, Andrea Berg


Images from the Opening

© photographer: Kerekes Zoltán


PRK Partners / Bellák és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda NKA
Kerekes Zoltán    Visus Grafika