
- 14/03/2009

7 pm

Erzsébet Tatai

Kecskés Péter, Videospace Budapest

Péter Kecskés:


video installation and Photographs

The exhibition
Artist talk
Supporters of the exhibition
Art pieces in the exhibition
The artist
press images to download

Regularly exhibiting his work for 20 years in Hungary and abroad, Péter Kecskés is an artist active in many fields. Besides winning a large number of awards with his works, he also explores the possibilities of the interrelations of poetry and philosophy. Best known for his photographs, at Videospace Budapest Kecskés will now present a series of photos, and a video installation that is one of his early works but has never been exhibited before. In this show, Kecskés reveals the genesis of his work, and offers an insight into the logic of the history of the process of this genesis.

Based on the interrelations of visuality and textuality, Kecskés‘s complex works are a special blend of poetic and theoreical vision. In his works one can sense an immense erudition in philosophy and art theory, which determine the highly complex thinking and ideas of this artist. The central work of this exhibition titled Elgabal/Narkissos is an installation where a video is projected from two sides onto a large piece of translucent canvas hanging in the exhibition space.


Artist Talk

6 March, 2009 (Friday), 7 pm
Péter Kecskés, Bálint Szombathy, Zsolt Kozma

supported by

PRK Bellák & Partners


Péter Kecskés

born in Budapest in 1972

more information about the artist and his works: http://kecskespetermate.googlepages.com

Solo Shows (Selection)

• 2008 - "One Day at a Time...", KAS Galéria
• 2007 - "Eikon Eidosz Eidolon" (Kasek Rolanddal), Óbudai Pincegaléria, Budapest
• 2006 - "Sophia TV", Galerie Klientierklinik, Berlin
• 2004- "Test-teszt-túrák" (El Kazovszkijjal és Fehér Zoltánnal), Bartók '32 Galéria, Budapest
• 2002 - „ESSENTIA EXALTATA”, Karinthy Szalon, Budapest
• 2000 - ˝Hieroglyphica Reformata;˝, Galeria Teatru Situacji , Krakkó
• 1999 - ˝ Dereprezentáció˝, Magyar Fotográfusok Háza, Budapest
• 1998 - Bolt Galéria, Budapest (katalógus)
• 1993 - Bartók 32 Galéria, Budapest (katalógus)
• 1989 - Fiatal Művészek Klubja, Budapest

Participations (Selection)

• "Fotoneon print válogatás", Gödör Klub, Budapest
"Art is Not Silent', Kortárs Művészeti Intézet, Dunaújváros
"Hódolat a Mesternek", Aula Galéria, Debrecen
• "Fényes és sötét József Attila", József Attila Múzeum, Makó, Espersit-ház
• "Fényes és sötét", Pand Paulus Galéria, Schiedam, Hollandia / katalógus
• "Karácsonyi kiállítás", KAS Galéria, Budapest
• "Matricák - válogatás a biennálé anyagából", Palikán Galéria, Székesfehérvár
• "Omphalos ; Magical Picture Book", Walcot Chapel, Bath, Anglia / katalógus
• "Árnyékkötők", Artpool P60 Galéria, Budapest / könyv és CD-ROM
• "Fotoneon", Művészet Malom, Szentendre


press images to download:

Péter Kecskés: Elgabal/Narkissos /
still from the installation
Péter Kecskés screen JPG / 74 KB
print JPG / 320 KB
print TIF / 6,5 MB
To use only in connection with the exhibition at Videospace Budapest mentioning the following credits:
© Péter Kecskés: Elgabal/Narkissos, still from the installation, Videospace Budapest 2009

Kecskés Péter: Essentia exaltata /
images from the photo series

Péter Kecskés screen JPG / 73 KB
print JPG / 280 KB
print TIF / 6,5 MB

Péter Kecskés screen JPG / 137 KB
print JPG / 738 KB
print TIF / 4,5 MB
To use only in connection with the exhibition at Videospace Budapest mentioning the following credits:
© Péter Kecskés: Essentia exaltata, photography, Videospace Budapest 2009


Images from the opening

© fotók: Kerekes Zoltán

Art pieces in the exhibition


2-channel-video installation
Elgabal/Narkissos - still from the installation

Essentia exaltata

series of photographs, 30 x 45 cm
Essentia exaltata - photographEssentia exaltata - photograph